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BLMC Treatment plan

Claim your health now


At BLMC we take your health seriously.


Every advice and treatment is aimed at promoting your health.


We offer the possibility of an intensive treatment plan which gives you a clear picture of what you can expect from us and what the costs are.


This intensive treatment plan is entered into for a period of 1 year. and includes all facets to optimize your health.


Below you can see what your path to health optimization looks like.


  • First registration

  • Receive an extensive information package

  • You send us a short video in which you tell us who you are and what your expectations are for the treatment.

  • You are invited to come to the 1st consultation.

  • Start of the proposed protocol of at least 14 days

  • After 14 days you will receive regular home supervision via Zoom or Skype calls.


  • After 3 months you will return to us for 3 days.

  • 6 months later a consultation follows in the center.

  • 2 months later, a final consultation with the doctor follows.


During the entire period, the team will assist you in monitoring your health.


For more information and questions, fill in the form below.

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BLMC Intensive Treatment Protocol
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Valkenlaan 21      │      B- 2900 Schoten      │      Belgium               +32 3685 45 45                    

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All information on this site is purely informative and does not have any medical claim. BLMC or its representatives are not responsible for information provided by third parties. For medical questions or complaints it is always necessary to consult your doctor.

 2024   -   Anrofita Inc.   -   4802 Express Lane   -   SARASOTA, FL 34249

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